Saturday, February 28, 2009

Integrated Resource Management Presentation

I also hope to see a great turnout for this event:

Presentation: Integrated Resource Management (IRM) & Sewage Treatment in the CRD
On Wednesday, March 11th Esquimalt will host a public presentation on Integrated Resource Management (IRM) and Sewage Treatment in the CRD. Fidelis Resources Group, whom have been contracted by the provincial government, will present a financial and non-financial comparison of IRM to traditional sewage treatment. The public is invited to attend.

Date: Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
Time: 6 pm to 9 pm
Location: Council Chambers, Esquimalt Municipal Hall - 1229 Esquimalt Road

This session is going to be very educational and will give each of us greater understanding about what IRM is and how it compares with the options currently being discussed at the CRD. While the CRD is considering options that include resource recovere there is not yet an option that is truly IRM. Please come and see the possibilities!

Landmark Public Art Series

This looks like a really neat event that will showcase some innovative art in public places like Sewage Treatment plant, bridges, highways etc... It is part of the Landmark leture series on public art and it is totally free! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 • 7 pm
Esquimalt Municipal Hall -1229 Esquimalt Road
FREE ADMISSION – Everyone Welcome
For further information call (250) 361-0358

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

FASD: Finding Hope

Please check out this documentary on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder on the Knowledge Network "FASD: Finding Hope". It was on last night at 10pm and it repeats tonight at 2am and Thursday at 11pm.

It follows the lives of 4 families living with FASD and gives an honest glimpse into what they face each day. It's an hour well spent.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mega-Yacht Marina

There is a lot of talk about the proposed Mega-Yacht Marina in Vic West. The potential impact on Esquimalt is quite large. If this interests or impacts YOU make sure you get to this meeting next Tuesday. Unfortunately,I won't be able to attend as I have a different meeting at the same time. If you want to let me know your thoughts please send me an email at! Meeting details below:

Denise Savoie MP
& the
Victoria West Community
invite you to attend a
to review and comment on a
proposed for
Victoria Harbour
Tuesday, February 17th, 2009
7:00 p.m.
Victoria City Hall
information (250) 382-3378

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Volunteer Opportunities in Esquimalt!

Appointments to Advisory Committees, Commissions and Board
February 10, 2009

Until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, February 20, 2009, the municipality is accepting applications from people interested in serving the community as a member of an Advisory Committee, Commission or Board. Esquimalt Council will be considering applications for appointments in the following areas:

Advisory Planning Commission (up to 5 vacancies)
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (up to 2 vacancies)
*Youth are encouraged to apply as non-voting liaisons for a semester at a time on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
Heritage Advisory Committee (up to 5 vacancies)
Arts, Culture and Special Events Advisory Committee (up to 5 vacancies)
Environmental Advisory Committee (up to 4 vacancies)
Access Awareness Advisory Committee (up to 5 vacancies)
Board of Variance (1 vacancy)
Centennial Committee
Terms of Reference for the Committees (except the Centennial Committee) are available here. Anyone interested in being considered for appointment to any Committee, Commission or Board, is invited to submit an application form (available here or at municipal hall) and a résumé listing professional and volunteer experience and interests, to Larry Randle, Manager of Corporate Services by 4:30 p.m. Friday, February 20, 2009. Interviews will be held the evenings of Tuesday, February 24th and Thursday, February 26th.

Please contact Larry Randle at 250-414-7135 or by e-mail for further information.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bus Route Proposal

BC Transit is planning a bus route from the Royal Jubilee Hospital area into Vic West or Esquimalt. One option under consideration is that the bus will service Esquimalt and come to dockyard. The other option has it going only through Vic West.

Residents can give feedback at one of the upcoming information sessions

Monday, February 16, 2-6pm, VicWest YMCA (521 Craigflower Rd)
Thursday, February 19, 3-7pm, Belfry Theatre, 1291 Gladstone Avenue (at Fernwood Avenue)

AND fill out a short survey online here:

Please fill out the online form! I personally feel really strongly that having more bus service to Esquimalt would be a huge benefit to us!

Councillor Randall Garrison is also passionate about this issue and he has added a direct link button to the survey from his website. If you're having trouble with the link I provided just google Randall Garrison and you'll find him easily. Thank you Randall for all your work on this and keeping me in the loop!