Date: Sunday May 31st
Time: 10am - 11am.
Cost: Free!
Coffee: Delicious!
I'll be telling stories, singing songs and hosting some fun for you and your teddy bear!
This week the theme will be Hospitals/X-rays and Casts. If you bring a stuffed animal or doll (one that you don't mind getting dirty) I will put a cast on it for you and give it a little "check up"
Before politics, before my new wonderful job, before having children actually....I was a Child Life Specialist. It is always with joy that I get a chance to play with kids again and talk about going to the hospital. Child Life is an incredible career and you can find out more about it here: www.childlife.org
See you at Beans and Greens! Don't forget your dolly!
Admirals rd, across from the Tudor House, in beautiful sunny Esquimalt!