Sunday, September 27, 2009

OCP Review - Height and Density

We want to know what YOU think about development in Esquimalt! Hope to see you at one of these workshops!

Review of Esquimalt Official Community Plan Regarding Maximum Heights and Densities for Multi-Unit and Mixed-Use Developments

Esquimalt’s 2007 Official Community Plan (OCP) divides the municipality into ten broad land use designations. The designations of Multi-Unit, High-Rise Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use allow for buildings up to and including ten storeys in height with a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.0.

The OCP also allows Council to consider greater heights and/or higher densities than 2.0, provided the project will enhance the community through the provision of affordable or special needs housing or other amenities.

Since the adoption of the OCP, several development proposals have been presented to Council which have heights in excess of 10 storeys and floor area ratios or densities much higher than 2.0. Developers have told the municipality that building to the numbers set in the OCP would not be economically viable. On March 24th, a panel of speakers with extensive experience in urban planning, architecture and development discussed this at a Community Forum held at the Municipal Hall.

Now we want to hear from you, the residents of Esquimalt. The municipality has scheduled two workshops - Saturday, October 3rd, 2009 and Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 to explore what heights and densities you feel would be suitable for those areas of Esquimalt designated for Multi-Unit, High-Rise Residential and Commercial Mixed-Use.

We are requesting that residents register in advance so that we can ensure there is a large enough meeting space and enough printed information packages. If the October 3rd and 6th workshops become filled, additional sessions will be scheduled.

Workshop Dates and Times:
Saturday, October 3, 2009
9:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
7:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m.

To register, please call Karen Hay at 250-414-7179

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Curling Classic on move to Esquimalt

Hot on the heels of our grant announcement is this great news for Esquimalt and the Archie Browning Sports Centre!

Curling Classic on move to Esquimalt

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Archie Browning Sports Centre Gets Infrastructure Grant!

This is easily the most exciting news that I have to report...We have received an Infrastructure Grant to upgrade the Archie Browning Sports Centre! More news on this soon...right now I've got some phone calls to make!

Many many thanks to everyone who has done so much to make this happen!!!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Victoria News - Country Grocer rings in new Esquimalt store

Some great news from Country Grocer in Esquimalt! Thank you so much for supporting our community! This store comes through for Macaulay all year long...the announcement about the playgrounds is a huge boost!

Victoria News - Country Grocer rings in new Esquimalt store

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Town Hall on Policing

We are hosting another Town Hall on Policing! The last one was very popular and we received a great deal of valuable insight and feedback from our residents and business owners. Please join us for another evening!

Tuesday, Sept 22nd
7pm in Council Chambers

Hope to see you there!