On Monday night, I had the happiest moment I've had so far in my brief political career. It was better than the campaign launch party. It was better than winning the election. It was better than the inaugural meeting. On Monday night, Esquimalt Council voted unanimously to pursue a 2 million dollar grant for the Archie Browning Sports Centre.
We're moving forward!
If we are successful, this grant could substantially extend the life of ABSC without increasing municipal taxes. Staff have identified that there are enough funds in our capital reserve to contribute our portion if we are fortunate enough to receive the grant. My sincere thanks to our staff and to all that are helping to take positive steps towards ensuring our community keeps our ice facility. Esquimalt residents have been asking for us to be proactive and consider all avenues of upgrading ABSC. I'm so happy to say that we're moving forward and trying to make the most of opportunities!
The upgrades that we are hoping to receive will enhance energy efficiency and further reduce the subsidy. We are planning improvements for users such as female dressing rooms for hockey players and better accessibility for people with disabilities. In short, we are hoping to take our well loved facility and make sure it can continue to be well loved - well into the future.
If a potential upgrade of ABSC wasn't enough to make me smile...we also voted to apply for a grant to upgrade and install some sidewalks! We have a sidewalk replacement master plan now and we're hoping to start making Esquimalt even more pedestrian friendly.
I am thrilled that we are able to work together and start exploring options for enhancing our beloved community without putting more of a tax burden on our residents! Whether we are successful with this grant or not - we have taken a positive step!
For more information check out www.esquimalt.ca All of our Agendas and minutes are being posted online. Our website is really improving. There is a lot of new info and it is being updated regularly!