Last year I wrote out 25 things that I was grateful for. They are all still true so I thought I'd post them again...and I've added 25 more for 2010
25 MORE Things I Am Grateful For - October 2010
1. Waking up rested, before the alarm goes off. Hearing "Mom! I had the BEST dream last night!" before my eyes are even open.
2. Seeing runners push past their limits because they are raising funds for something they believe in.
3. Watching people shave their heads in solidarity with their peers fighting cancer. They put bad hair days in humble perspective.
4. Staying dry under the new roof at Archie Browning.
5. Knowing volunteers who stayed up late putting on the Esquimalt Lantern festival and then woke up early to put on the Esquimalt 5K. They demonstrate to my kids what it means to be a community.
6. Knowing that this Hallowe'en, like every Hallowe'en before it, my kids will be more excited to see their friends at the Bonfire than to eat their candy.
7. Having old friends that I don't need to tell my story to...because they've been there all along.
8. Making new friends that become a part of our story from here on.
9. Loving people and places who have left us this year. My life is richer for having known them. My kids' lives will be forever enriched by their memories.
10. Letting my kids grow. My heart cries out to hold them close...and rejoices in their independence. Nothing has overwhelmed or changed me like my love for my kids.
11. Finding slugs in the driveway and worms in the puddles. Those slimy little guys give us a chance to stop and wonder in the rain.
12. Living in a town so rich in history. We are surrounded by reminders of those who came before us...and what they gave for us to live here.
13. Knowing Firefighters, Reporters, Teachers, Police Officers and others that are willing to talk to my kids about their professions. They've helped them see that their world is filled with endless possibilities.
14. Sharing lunch at the Friday all you can eat Festival of Gluttony with friends who promise not to complain about their taxes.
15. Knowing people who are still willing to pick up the phone when they are angry or disappointed. The opportunity to find common ground and understanding is lost if the conversation stops.
16. Marrying a kind man who quietly goes about taking care of our home and our kids when I worry and work and fret and fuss.
17. Snuggling up next to my kids with our favourite books. I am forever indebted to the teachers who unlocked endless worlds of adventure for teaching them to read.
18. Counting my blessings as I hike in the woods....and never running out - no matter how far I walk.
19. Discovering new trails that instantly become old favourites. Hiking with new friends that become old favourites too.
20. Remembering that despite the aches, the injuries and the excuses...every once in a while I can still put the ball in the top corner.
21. Creating new recipes with leftovers. Cooking something that at least 3 out of 4 members of my family will eat.
22. Finally recognizing that the dress I wore to Thanksgiving dinner in 1999 is just taking up space in my closet. This year, someone else is wearing it. Knowing that if my waistline ever returns to that size, I'll be able to afford a new outfit.
23. Appreciating the power of time to heal and change.
24. Seeing snakes, owls, dragonflies, fish and more on "Good Nature Days" with the kids.
25. Hearing my children laugh out loud in their dreams. Sharing their thoughts when they wake.
25 Things I am grateful for in 2009 (and beyond...)
1. Writing what we are grateful for on coloured paper leaves and hanging them on the "gratitude tree"
2. Knowing children who believe in "the force". Their conviction that good should always win fuels my optimism.
3. Sleeping in.
4. Living in good health.
5. Enjoying warm meals surrounded by loved ones.
6. Having so many loved ones that we need to rent a room at the Archie Browning Sports Centre for Thanksgiving dinner.
7. Receiving a grant for the Archie Browning Sports Centre....and knowing that many more family celebrations will take place there.
8. Moving ahead on many projects in Esquimalt. While traffic may be backed up now, we'll be enjoying new sidewalks, bike lanes, roads and improved bus service next year.
9. Healing my children's wounds with a Sponge Bob bandaid and a kiss.
10. Witnessing my friends have the courage to set goals and the dedication to achieve them. 26.2 miles non-stop - thank you for inspiring me.
11. Meeting new teachers and coaches that have come into our lives since September. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.
12. Knowing teachers and coaches from the past who continue to show us kindness and caring. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.
13. Having teachers who take the time to write notes that say, "Your kid had a great day today!"
14. Living in a community rich with volunteers who make events like the Esquimalt Lantern Festival, Buccaneer Days and the Hallowe'en Bonfire happen. You build the scenes of my children's fondest memories. I hope it inspires them to pass these traditions on to their own children.
15. Seeing my old dog find the energy to get up from his nap and greet me atthe door.
16. Knowing that my children can walk 5 minutes in any direction of our home and find someone who cares about them.
17. Losing track of time in a good book.
18. Drinking good coffee at Beans and Greens while I type on my new laptop.
19. Feeling friendship and love that have passed the tests of distance,grief, joy, and change.
20. Surrendering to the giggles in public.
21. Being a small part of something amazing. The colleagues I have at QA are all truly the best of professionals. They make it easy to come to work because it feels like we are doing something meaningful.
22. Discussing Esquimalt with all the interesting people I have met in the last year. I have learned so much and I am so grateful and honoured to work with each of you.
23. Receiving gifts of construction paper turkeys - made with the outlines of little hands.
24. Holding hands and sharing popcorn on family movie night.
25. Evrieheng