Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Day

A couple of years ago I discovered something rather unpleasant. I woke up. I sensed the quiet fall of snow. I gazed out the window and I froze. As visions of snow tires and schedules danced in my head, I realized that I was an adult.

That morning, much like this morning, I awoke to was all I could see as I looked out the front window. Fortunately for me, my children care very little for the plans I have in my daytimer or the items on my to-do list. They are filled with an infectious joy.

There are some simple pleasures in life. Catching snowflakes and building snowmen. Discovering snow angels. Talking to neighbours while shoveling the walk. Following footprints just to see where they go. Warming hands with a mug of hot chocolate. Today was a day for all of those things...but if it weren't for Grace and Oliver I might not have noticed.